My biggest issue with resolutions is that the health and fitness realm does not empower you to make any changes! So here I am, hoping to change that.<br />

Icon How to write resolutions you’ll stick to

My biggest issue with resolutions is that the health and fitness realm does not empower you to make any changes! So here I am, hoping to change that.

My biggest issue with ‘resolutions’ is that the health and fitness realm doesn’t empower you to make changes! So here we are, hoping to change that.

If you have any goals or resolutions jotted down in your notes, build on them with the journal points below, which will help you make your goals and resolutions more mindful and concrete.

What are your values? 

Firstly I suggest you spend time exploring the following;

i. Outline your core values; what are they?
ii. Explore how do you measure success in life?
iii. What would your 'dream life' consist of or encapsulate?

Then journal the below questions. If you found the prompt questions above useful, I couldn't recommend more to reflect on these questions below;

  • ​How do you feel right now about where you’re at in life?
  • ​​What is your relationship with your family and friends?

  • ​What is your current career pathway?

  • ​How much time do you currently spend focussing on personal growth?

  • What do you believe is the state of your health?

  • What are your hobbies, and how do you actively participate daily? What is your community involvement?

  • What does an average day in your life look like?

  • How do others see you and your life?

  • How do you see yourself?

  • How do your core values influence your daily life?


Road map  

The next phase of your goal reflection includes;
  • Reflect on the most significant changes that need to happen to achieve your dream life. How long will that take?
  • Ask yourself what one small change you can make at this moment to get started on your goals.
  • Outline what resources do you need? Money? Materials? What is your budget
  • Reflect on whether you need help from anyone to achieve your dream life? Write down anyone who can help you grow!
  • Ask what information/resources you already have to achieve your dream life? What do you further need, and where can you get it?
  • Outline who can you learn from? What inspiration and lessons can you draw from them?
  • Reflect on whether you need to work on balance? How are you going to do this? How will you make your dream life happen whilst making time for yourself?
  • Identify what barriers are you facing? How will you overcome these challenges?
  • Outline what your best course of action is? What are five steps you can take to achieve your dream life?
  • Reflect on who can share these goals with? Who will help you grow and achieve your dream life?

Break it down

And finally, month by month, write down three specific goals. For each month, ask yourself the following;
  • Define what your goal is.
  • Ask yourself, when do you want to achieve your goal?
  • Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  • What is holding you back from achieving this goal? What obstacles do you face?
  • How will you achieve this goal?
  • What is your reward?